
Pick the :highlight for your business

Welcome to our Pricing Page! Choose the plan that suits your scheduling needs. Whether you're a solo practitioner or managing a team, we offer flexible pricing options with features like calendar synchronization, automated reminders, and customizable booking forms. Elevate your appointment management experience with our transparent and affordable pricing plans tailored to scale with your business.

Features by plan
Find the plan that makes the most sense for you or your team
Features by plan
Find the plan that makes the most sense for you or your team
Staff Work Schedule
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Mobile and Tablet
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Booking Link + QR (Widget)
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Calendar And Unlimited Appointments
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available plan available plan
Email Notifications
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Email Reminders
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Recurring Appointments
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24/7 Support
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Multiple Services In 1 Appointment
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"Book Now" Button
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SMS / WhatsApp Reminders ** 100 credits
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Rating and Reviews
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* SMS Credits are added to your account monthly. If you go over the monthly SMS Credits allowance (100 Credits), you can Top-up for 0.05 USD per SMS CREDIT. Click here to see SMS CREDIT rates per country.
* WhatsApp Credits are added to your account monthly. If you go over the monthly WhatsApp Credits allowance (100 Credits), you can Top-up for 0.05 USD per WhatsApp CREDIT

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