
User Guide

  • Last Updated : 3 Aug 2023

How to create new services?

Go to your Services page from the bottom navigation menu and click on the “plus” button to create a new service. In the General section choose “Service Category”. In case you can’t find the Service Category you need, you can add it by yourself by clicking on “+ New Category” button.

After choosing the Service Category click on the “Choose Service” field and choose the Service you need. In case you can’t find the Service type you need, you can add it by yourself by clicking on “+ New Service” button. If your Service Category is customly created, then there will not be any Service suggestion list, you have to create Services by yourself. Then you need to assign your service to those Staff members who will be able to provide it by clicking on “Choose Service Provider”. (You can assign one service to multiple Staff members.) This field is not required but without assigning the service to at least one Staff member, you will not be able to create appointments with it.

Next, you need to set the “Duration” of the service, which is a mandatory field to fill. In case you need some extra time after providing the service to relax, clean up, get ready for the new service, or something else you can add a “Buffer Time” by turning on the corresponding toggle. Buffer time will not be visible to the Customer, it is only for you to organize your free time, and is important to add if needed in order to avoid overbookings and Customer waitings.

Now it’s time to set your Service Price. First of all choose the Pricing type: Fixed, Range, and Free.

If your service is free, just choose it. If that particular service does not have a fixed price, you may want to choose the “Range” option which will allow you to set minimum and maximum possible prices for that specific service. Just a reminder, only the minimum price field is mandatory to fill, and it will be shown as “Starts at $100”.

It is also a good idea to add a service description in the “Add a short description” field if you wish to clarify to your customers what the service involves..

Now you can “Save” your service and book appointments with it.

How to Edit Services?

Want to edit your service details? It’s easy, just click on them and change the fields you want. Remember! In case you have upcoming appointments with that service, they will be canceled after editing the service asking your permission to cancel them. So, check your upcoming appointments before editing the services.

How to Delete Services?

Now you want to delete the service? Just swipe it left and click on “Delete”. There is also multi delete opportunity, which allows deleting of several services at once.

How to disable online bookings for specific services (optional)?

In some cases, you may wish to disable online bookings for some services. For example, you may want some services to be visible only to you so that only you could schedule such services. In order to disable online bookings for a specific service, go to the Service details page, find the “Show on widget” toggle and disable (make it gray) it. Once done, that particular service will no longer appear in the booking link for your customers to see but it will be still visible in your SetTime profile.

Auto accept appointments

There is “Auto accept” toggle on the Service details page, in case the toggle is turned on the appointments created by the booking link will be automatically accepted. In visa verse (the toggle is turned off), appointments coming from the booking link will have “Pending” status, and you will need to accept/reject them manually.

Company Details

To fill in all the details of your business you need to go to the “More” page from the bottom navigation menu. First of all, write your Company name, email, and phone number, which will be used to send you email reminders and notifications. As well as your Customers will be able to contact you if needed.

How to set your timezone & language?

On the “Company info” page, you can also select your timezone and Company address from the “Location” section. These settings are important since they are used in your calendar and the booking link. Want to change your app language? Go to “Settings” from the “More” icon of the bottom navigation menu and choose “App language”. You set your language only for you. For the booking link your Customers will be able to set the language by themselves

How to Customize Business Working Hours?

You can edit your “General” business opening/closing hours by going to the “More” page and finding the “Work Schedule” section. Next, click on the “Working Days”, there you will be able to open/close the day generally, set its main opening and closing hours, and add break times by turning on (make green)/off (make gray) the “Break Time” toggle and setting the break’s start and end times.

How to close particular days? (for example public holidays)

In some cases, businesses have off days (Business is closed for one day) because of public holidays or other special occasions. In order to avoid creating appointments on such days and also getting appointments from the Customers by Booking link, it’s better to configure them in advance.How to do that? Go to “Work Schedule” page and choose “Closed Days” from the Company section. Click on “+” icon from the right-up corner of the screen, choose the “Start Date” and “End Date” for your off day/s (you can set one to several off days following each other at once). You may also name the closed days so that it will be easier for you to remember the reason for closing the company.Want to edit the already created Closed day? Just click on it from the “Closed Days” page, edit the fields you want, and save in the end. In case you have changed your mind and want to delete an already created closed day, swipe left from the “Closed Days” page.

How to set custom hours for specific days?

On some days businesses need to have different working hours from their regular working hours. To configure such day you need to choose “Specific Days” from the “Work Schedule” page, and add a New Specific day by clicking on the “+” icon from the right-up corner of the screen. After choosing the date/s for the specific days (you can set one to several Specific days following each other at once) you need to choose the “Start Time” and “End Time” for that particular day/s. You need to change the Break Time also? No worries, just turn on “Break Time” toggle (make blue) so that it will be easier for you to remember the reason for changing the working times.Want to edit the already created Specific day? Just click on it from the “Specific Days” page, edit the fields you want, and save in the end. In case you have changed your mind and want to Delete an already created specific day, swipe left from the “Specific Days” page.


How do add your staff members to SetTime?

You have to add your team members and assign them the services they provide in order to be able to create appointments. You can go to the “Staff” page from the bottom navigation menu. Click on the “+” icon from the right-up corner of the screen, fill “First Name”, “Last Name” (not required), and “Phone number”(not required) (Include country code as well) fields. Then choose the corresponding “Profession” of your staff member. In case you can’t find the needed profession, just click on the “+New Profession” button above the listed professions, type the profession name you want and save it. The Profession will be added to the list and you will be able to choose it for your remaining staff members. Besides adding your Staff members, you have the ability to import them from your phone contacts, as well. Just click on the “Import from contacts” button from the “New Staff” page, allow the access to your contacts, choose your staff member from your contacts, and “Save” it. You can optionally add profile pictures to your Staff members by clicking on the blue photo icon on the profile icon on the “New Staff” page. It’s recommended to add profile pictures to all your staff members, cause it will help you to identify each of them visually as well.

How do edit Staff Members?

To edit Staff member details, open the “Staff Details” page by clicking on Staff name and click on the “Edit” button from the right-up corner of the screen. Edit the fields you want and “Save” the changes.

How do delete Staff Members?

Your Staff member left the job and you want to delete him from SetTime? Just swipe left and “Delete” him. There is also multi delete opportunity, which allows deleting of several staff at once. You can call or send messages to your Staff members directly from SetTime. For this click on the corresponding icons from the personal page of each Staff member. (Under the profile picture).You can also check the “Upcoming Appointments” and “Appointment History” of each Staff member again from their personal pages. It will help you to quickly understand how many upcoming appointments your staff has for this month (Upcoming appointments) or last month (Appointment history). It will be quite easier for you to create appointments from Staff member's personal page as well.


How to add your Customers to SetTime?

You have to add your Customers in order to be able to create appointments. You can go to the “Customers” page from the bottom navigation menu. Click on the “+” icon from the right-up corner of the screen, choose “Add new customer” option from the modal, fill in “First Name>”, “Last Name” (not required), and “Phone number” (Include country code as well) fields.Besides adding your Customers, you have the ability to import them from your phone contacts, as well. Just choose the “Import multiple customers” option from the “+” modal, choose your Customer or all your Customers at once, and “import” them.

How to edit Customers?

In order to edit Customer details, open the “Customer Details” page by clicking on Customer name and click on the “Edit” button from the right-up corner of the screen. Edit the fields you want and “Save” the changes.

How to delete Customers?

Your Customer is not using your services anymore and you want to delete him from SetTime? Just swipe left and “Delete” him. There is also multi delete opportunity, which allows deleting of several services at once.

You can call or send messages to your Customers directly from SetTime. For this click on the corresponding icons from the personal page of each Customer. You can also check the “Upcoming Appointments” and “Appointment History” of each Customer again from their personal pages. It will help you to see what kind of activity each of your Customers performed before or what they are planning for the future. It will be quite easier for you to create appointments from Customer personal pages as well.

Calendar & Appointments


If you have chosen a “Company” as your Business type, and have multiple staff members in your Team, then you can choose whose Calendar you want to see from the Calendar page header (left). Always pay attention to this before checking the appointments, in order not to confuse them. SetTime Calendar has 2 views (Daily and Weekly) to see your schedule and appointments. You can change the view by clicking on the 3rd icon from the right, in the header of the Calendar page. Daily view will allow you to see your free and busy hours of each day visually, whereas Weekly view shows all your weekly appointments in one place.You see gray and white parts on your Daily Calendar, right? They are for working (white) and not-working (gray) hours. The red line on your today’s Calendar shows the current time according to the Timezone configured.You can swipe left/right the Days line of your Calendar in order to see previous/next weeks’ calendars. As well as swipe down/up the Calendar to see the whole Month and choose the exact date you want. It’s easier to choose the exact date by clicking on the Calendar month-year title, as well.

Do you want to see canceled appointments on your Calendar, too? Just open the “Filter” modal from the Calendar header and checkmark all the appointment statuses you want to see on the Calendar. Don’t forget to save Filters after check-marking, otherwise, the changes you have done in filters, will not be saved.

How to Create New Appointment?

There are multiple ways to create appointments in SetTime, but the general is to click on the “+ New Appointment” button from the Calendar (in both Daily and Weekly modes).

Step 2 – select or create a customer

Now it’s time to choose the Customer for whom you are creating the appointment. You can choose him from the list if you have added him before or you can add him right from the “Choose Customer” page, “+” icon.

Step 3 – complete booking

The final step summarizes your booking information to confirm everything is correct. Click on the “Create” button to complete the appointment scheduling. The newly added appointment will instantly appear on your calendar.

You can create appointments from Customers' and Staff members' Personal pages also by clicking on the “+ New Appointment” button. In these cases, you will skip “Choose Customer” and “Choose Staff” pages accordingly.

Edit (Reschedule) Appointment

You can Reschedule only Upcoming appointments before their start times. For this, open the “Appointment Details” page by clicking on the Appointment, then click on the “Edit” icon below the appointment status in the up-right corner of the page. There you will see all the available hours, click on the needed one and “Update” the appointment.

Cancel Appointment

You can Cancel your Upcoming appointments anytime before it starts. Go to the “Appointment Details” page by clicking on the Appointment, then click on the “Cancel Appointment” button at the bottom of the page. You can find your Canceled appointments by check-marking “Canceled” status from Calendar Filters and also from the “Appointments History” pages of “Customer Details” and “Staff Details” pages.You can not regenerate canceled appointments, they will only be saved in the history and Statistical calculations.

Delete appointment?

Only “Canceled” appointments can be deleted from the Calendar, and you will not be able to recover them. Deleted appointments will not be calculated in the Statistics.

Appointment statuses

There are 4 main Appointment statuses in SetTime: Upcoming, Pending, Canceled and Finished.

Upcoming: When the Company or Individual creates an appointment for the future it’s automatically an Upcoming appointment.
Pending: When an appointment is created by a customer using the Booking link, the appointment will have a Pending or Upcoming status depending on the “Auto accept” toggle status on the “Service Details” page.Toggle On - All the appointments created by the booking link with that particular service will have “Upcoming” status.Toggle Off - All the appointments created by the booking link with that particular service will have “Pending” status until the Company or Individual user confirms or cancel it.
Canceled: All Upcoming and Pending appointments can be canceled by the Company or Individual users , whereas Customers are able to cancel only their created appointments. You can find your Canceled appointments by check-marking “Canceled” status from Calendar Filters and also from the “Appointments History” pages of “Customer Details” and “Staff Details” pages.

You can not regenerate canceled appointments, they will only be saved in the history and Statistical calculations.

Finished: All Upcoming appointments will be automatically finished as the end time passes, despite the appointments which price is Range, in this case, business users need to define the final price of the appointment.

SetTime allows Companies and Individuals to track their activity and consequently do the right steps to develop and increase their sales.

In Statistics you have 3 main categories: Appointments, Staff, and Services.

Appointments: Here you can see how many Finished and Canceled appointments you had during a particular period, how much profit your business has generated and what percentage of all appointments were finished and Canceled.
Staff: Here you will see the same information as in the “Appointments” section, but for each of your staff members, so that you will see how each of your staff members works. (This section is missing for Individual business types)
Services: Here you will see the same information as in the “Appointments” section, but for each of your Services, so that you will see how much demand each of your Services has and how much profit each of them brings.
Delete Account
To delete your account, simply follow these steps:

1. Go to the "More" section and select "My Profile".

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see a red button labeled "Delete account".

3. Choose the reason why you want to delete your account. Some options may require you to provide more details in a required field.

4. Once you've made your selection, tap the "Delete" button to confirm your decision.

Please note that if you decide to create a new account in the future, you will need to use a different email address as the previous one will have been deleted.